This year has been unpredictable, that’s for sure! It’s definitely not the year we had…

Yesterday was International Children’s Day and Heightened Hearts was, of course, ready to celebrate!
Anyone who is familiar with our organization knows that children are our focus and at the heart of everything we do. Nearly every program and every service we offer is with the future success and happiness of children in mind. Though we do have programs for elderly with no family and some adults without children who are in very difficult situations, the core function of our organization is to support and inspire children.
We truly believe that children are our future and we act as such. So, it should come as no surprise we wouldn’t miss a chance to celebrate the next generation. This was our 4th annual International Children’s Day celebration and it was, as always, a tremendous success.
The day was filled with excitement and fun for everyone. There were all the things you would expect at a children’s celebration – things like live music, balloons, temporary tattoos, face painting and even some friendly competitions with prizes for everyone who participated.
Regardless if a child is more active or creative or both, there was a way for them to be involved and have fun. Among the competitions were a bike race, tug-of-war, and a baby stroller decoration/costume contest to include the littlest ones.
There was also an art-based competition in which children were directed to artistically express how they perceive the relationship of the United States and Ukraine under Heightened Hearts. At the heart of the day’s event and this specific competition was the importance of instilling international relations and a sense of global community. We try to teach all the children, as well as all the people we serve and help, that we are all connected citizens of the world, regardless what country you come from. This concept is at the core of our organization. We try to inspire everyone we work with to view themselves as a part of the human race and instill in them a desire to give back and help others.
During some of the less active moments, families and children posed for photos in front of a Heightened Hearts backdrop just like the celebrities do. As a special treat, returning families were presented with professionally printed photos of their family from the prior year.
The day wasn’t just about the children though. We couldn’t forget to honor the parents who raise them. There was a free raffle for the adults with prizes for the household such as a vacuum cleaner, coffee maker a set of fishing poles and much, much more!
It was such a pleasure to celebrate the day with our families and participants. We never miss an opportunity to put a smile on the faces of the families and children we serve. The day’s events would not be possible without our amazing volunteers. We’d like to extend a huge thank you to our wonderful group of volunteers who always show up to these events ready to work and make sure the kids have a blast!
Without the funding and assistance provided by donors and volunteers, the work of Heightened Hearts simply cannot happen. Help us to continue helping others by making a commitment today to donate or volunteer your time to an upcoming Heightened Hearts project. Our children in communities around the world are depending on you!