This year has been unpredictable, that’s for sure! It’s definitely not the year we had…

This year marks our fifth year giving hope to children through our Back 2 School Program. It is an honor to continue serving children and families in the South Florida area of the U.S. as well as in the Poltavskiy region of Ukraine.
Education is one of the most powerful ways to reduce poverty in the long-term. However, many families face hurdles that most of us cannot even imagine to providing their children with the tools and resources they need to obtain an adequate education. When families are concerned with finding their next meal, keeping their utilities on, or even ensuring they keep a roof over their heads, things like school supplies are unfortunately not a priority.
Because of this, many of the impoverished families we work with are unable to provide the basic school supplies their children need to succeed and thrive in school each year. Sending their children to school underprepared is an unfortuna高仿普拉達
te reality.
In an effort to help combat this, every year at the beginning of August, we stuff backpacks full of all the school supplies children need to start the academic year off right. The backpacks include items like pencils, paper, notebooks, binders, calculators, and more; nearly everything a child would need to feel prepared and ready to take on a new school year. It is the goal of the Back to School program to empower as many children as possible to obtain a quality education.
What we provide goes well beyond the supplies provided. We are providing them with something much more important: hope. We have frequently seen the glimmer in the eyes of the children we work with when they unzip their backpack for the first time and see all the supplies inside. They don’t just see the backpack or the supplies – they see themselves showing up to the first day with that backpack on their back, sitting down at a desk, and having everything they need for the day.
Putting the backpacks together is no small task. We cannot thank our volunteers enough for their tireless work organizing the supplies and loading the backpacks, registering participants, and handing out the packs. It really is an all-day affair. Some of our volunteers really go above and beyond by spending a second day delivering backpacks to the those that are unable to attend the event.
Through generous donations from local organizations, individuals, and Heightened Heart’s founder and family, we are able to continue to offer this program. This year’s corporate sponsors include Target, Atofil, Simta International, Compass, and Top Lead Marketing.
Without the funding and assistance provided by donors and volunteers, the work of Heightened Hearts simply cannot happen. Help us to help others by making a commitment today to donate or volunteer your time to an upcoming Heightened Hearts project. The future generations of these communities are depending on you! <3