Karakai Natalia – (1937) 79 years old Lonely older lady who worked all her life on hard jobs, an invalid, a person who is trapped in a difficult situation.

Ivan is a single 84 year old man
"When you have no one there for you, what would you do?"
Ivan is 84 year old man who has no family
Single elder person- Ivan Vereshchaka ’84 years old (8.10.1932.) All his life worked very hard jobs where he lost his helth, Ivan also has no family as every one died, also, has a hearing problem. While health allowed he was doing carpentry on the side doing small jobs for people fixing there stuff but health do not let him do that any longer due to authorities problem with his hands. Lives below the poverty line on social security payment from government that always late to pay on time 940gr ($35) not enough money even for food, not to mention the fact, to buy medicine or repair his home or buy gas to warm the house for winter.
The house is in worst condition and not reparable, it is simply impossible to live in such a place. Inside, all the rooms have fallen off and are peeled, the ceiling in disrepair, the roof leaks, right in the house dug a hole that serves as a toilet, where he sleeps and eats in the same place.
Repair this place is extremely difficult and easier just to demolish, as the house is very old, made of clay, house is in very very dangerous condition, as it can collapse at any moment, but the man has no where to live, and probably easier to build him some small new home in the form of a trailer, consisting of at least one room and entrance hall. The existing furniture in the house is old and broken, and as a furniture cannot be called, linen not available. Floors made of clay, which is cracked in many places, the floor is very cold and not fixable.
If possible need to build something small for him or move him in new place, but because it is more expensive we need at lest try to warm the house some how as soon passible as the winter and the cold weather is here and we need ASAP insulate windows, repaired doors and insulate walls.
Cold winter are -25, -30 degrees Celsius, and in such circumstances the man will simply freeze.