Heightened Hearts Foundation Global Relief Centers
We live today in a world of massive economic inequality — a world in which the number of “haves” is rapidly shrinking and the number of “have nots” is growing exponentially. Wars, famine, disease, natural disasters and general poverty are absolutely plaguing certain areas of the globe, leaving in their wake a level of human suffering that is simply not seen in the more developed regions of the world.
It is this suffering in the disadvantaged regions of the world — and the incredibly resilient people who endure it — that the Heightened Hearts Foundation hopes to assist through its Global Relief Centers program.
What Are the Heightened Hearts Global Relief Centers?
In our continued efforts to provide much-needed assistance to the less-fortunate individuals and groups throughout the world, the Heightened Hearts Foundation hopes to establish a series of Global Relief Centers aimed at providing immediate relief in the form of food, shelter, and clothing, as well as offering secondary programs that address some of the major concerns in each region, such as education, employment training and preparation, drug and alcohol counseling, child care, and more.
The first Global Relief Center to be built by the Heightened Hearts Foundation will be located in Ukraine — a country in which some 25%-50% of the population currently lives at or below the poverty line. We have already begun implementing several key programs within Ukraine.While conducting these charitable missions, the Heightened Hearts Foundation was astounded by the profound level of poverty it saw. Hundreds of people with whom our organization spoke lacked even the basic food, shelter, and clothing needed to properly survive, let alone the educational and vocational resources that are necessary to escape this poverty. It is this deep level of hopelessness that we hope to address with our first Global Relief Center in Ukraine.
Although Ukraine will be the first country/community to benefit from the Heightened Heart’s Global Relief Center program, we also recognize the absolute need for these types of centers in other parts of the world. Thus, our long-term mission is to erect a series of Global Relief Centers wherever they are needed most. A few of the other countries and regions that will benefit from the services our Global Relief Centers will provide include:
• India
• Africa
• South America
• Mexico
• And more
As an American non-profit charitable organization, the Heightened Hearts Foundation also recognizes the need for Global Relief Centers in many of the depressed communities and neighborhoods right here at home, in nearly every state of the union.
The Heightened Hearts Foundation plans to secure several facilities around the world to serve as Global Relief Centers, offering no-cost services to those who need it most. Our primary targets for this facility will be the youth and seniors in the community, as well as low-income parents and their dependents. These community centers will not solely be dedicated for educational classes and programs, but will also provide much-needed space to host a daycare/afterschool program, a bakery and a soup kitchen. While the facility will initially cater to those individuals involved in spiritual development programs offered through the center, our goal is to make the center accessible to every member of the surrounding community.
The Heightened Hearts Foundation anticipates that its full-service Community Relief Centers will operate seven days a week at approximately the following times: Monday through Friday from 9:00 AM to 7:30 PM, and Saturday and Sunday from 7:00 AM to 2:00 PM.
What Do We Plan to Offer through Our Global Relief Center Program?
The Heightened Hearts Foundation’s Global Relief Center Program will address poverty, hunger, and despair wherever it exists. In addition to meeting the immediate needs of the disadvantaged population we plan to serve, our centers will also focus on job creation, education, community opportunities, and spiritual development.
Each and every week, the Heightened Hearts Foundation’s Global Relief Centers will put forth a number of services and courses, covering topics such as self-help services, education, job readiness, worship, and spiritual enlightenment. While our primary goal is meeting the immediate survival needs of our members through food and clothing giveaways and shelter repair, our secondary courses and services will include:
• Basic Computer Courses
• Literacy/Reading Classes
• Basic Sewing Tutorials
• Nutrition and Diet Services
• Public Speaking and Spoken Word Practice
• Job Readiness Offerings
• Youth Mentorship
• Writing and Reading Workshops
• Music, Singing, and Dance Classes
• Sketching/Drawing and Painting Courses
• Pottery classes
• Piano (and other instrument) Instruction
• Basic Fashion Design Workshops
• Martial Arts Classes
• And much more…
Our Global Relief Centers will feature important services that will help stabilize the communities we serve. Some of these services will include day care/after-school care; food box giveaways; back to school basket distribution (filled with supplies); adopt-a-grandparent program; scholarship programs; teen-pregnancy prevention and treatment classes; and many, many more.
How You Can Help the Heightened Hearts Foundation Create Miracles through Our Global Relief Centers
The Global Relief Centers the Heightened Hearts Foundation hopes to build and operate in depressed communities around the world is the most effective and efficient way to serve the world’s poor. However, in order to make this dream come true, we desperately need your help. Below we have outlined just a few ways you can give to the Heightened Hearts Foundation’s Global Relief Center program:
Cash/Check Donation
Naturally, the most convenient and beneficial way to donate to the Heightened Hearts Foundation’s Global Relief Center project is through a cash/check donation made out to our organization. All cash/check donations should be made out to the “Heightened Hearts Foundation” and sent to the following address:
Heightened hearts Foundation
1521 Alton Road, Suite 819
Miami Beach, Florida 33139
If you’d like to ensure that your donation goes to benefit one of our Global Relief Centers, simply include a note indicating your wishes or write the words “Global Relief Center” in the “memo” section of your check or money order.
You can also submit a gift electronically by CLICK HERE.
Donate Supplies
The Heightened Hearts Foundation welcomes the donation of supplies, but because of a lack of available warehouse space, we are currently only accepting such gifts from businesses and corporations — supplies that will go directly to benefit our Global Relief Center program. Below is just a sample of the type of supplies that can help us with our efforts:
• Food: The donation of non-perishable food items can help us greatly with our centers’ food box and soup kitchen programs.
• Clothing: Many of the people we work with lack the proper clothing they need. In Ukraine, for example, there is a lack of warm clothes and blankets that are necessary for surviving the harsh winter in the region.
• Office/Back-to-School Supplies: Office and school supplies for our Global Relief Centers’ “basket giveaways” can give children and adults the much-needed confidence they need to succeed.
• Child Care Supplies: Child-care will be a major part of the Heightened Hearts’ Global Relief Centers. Supplies such as construction paper, art supplies, and even “nap mats” are welcomed and appreciated.
• Furniture: The Heightened Hearts Foundation will need a variety of office furniture, desks, and other comforts to furnish its Global Relief Centers.
• Electronics: Basic electronic supplies can go a long way towards preparing our clients for the current world of work.
• Miscellaneous: All other supplies not mentioned above are also welcomed by the Heightened Hearts Foundation.
Other Ways to Support the Heightened Hearts Global Relief Center Program
In addition to the donation of supplies and money, there are many other ways to support our mission of building Global Relief Centers wherever they are needed. Some of these include:
• Donate Stocks and Securities
• Charitable Remainder Trusts
• Charitable Lead Trusts
• Donate Real Estate/Life Estates
• Make the Heightened Hearts Foundation a Life Insurance Beneficiary
• Name us as a beneficiary when using the programs Amazon Smile and eScrip
• Buy a Brick on our “Path of Dreams,” which will be located just outside each Global Relief Center we build
• Take advantage of Employer Match programs
• Personal Crowdfunding Campaigns
• Donate Airline Miles, Hotel Points, and Credit Card Rewards
• Text-Message Donations
• Purchase merchandise from our Heightened Hearts online store
• Corporate or Foundation Philanthropic Gift
• And more…